Who we are

https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/hhyu980dd Purchasing Tramadol Online Africa Risk Consulting (ARC) is a pan-African consulting company that provides timely, relevant information and advice that enables its clients to take informed investment decisions and to safeguard their reputations.  https://bxscco.com/gdtvx8t9ho ARC’s core consulting services include integrity due diligence and corporate investigations, political advisory and country assessments, opportunity monitoring and reputation risk management. 

source link Over the last 14 years, ARC has become known as a leader in pre-deal integrity checks to highlight red flags before negotiations start; full detailed multi-jurisdictional reputation due diligence; and supplier and senior hire vetting and repeat due diligence for compliance programmes. ARC is unique in that it offers a 10-day delivery for a routine integrity due diligence. ARC also offers a suite of corporate investigations services from immediate investigation, evidence gathering, e-discovery, forensic accounting and whistleblower support on one end to crisis media management and regular monitoring on the other. 

https://geneticsandfertility.com/asjkmcf ARC was founded in 2006, in that time we have carried out over 2,000 projects. 

How we work

Our clients choose us over other providers for the following reasons

Our broader network

Tramadol Order Online Mexico ARC’s database includes 3,000 political, academic and business contacts across the continent and in the Africa-linked world. Through ARC Briefing, our 22-country reports service, we have built a core network of on-the ground correspondents and a continuous information-gathering process and structure. This gives ARC and ARC clients unparalleled insight and proximity to hard news and shifts in political and business trends.

Our multi-layered approach to research

https://ict-pulse.com/2024/07/tr11xmbjh ARC’s research methodology combines academic expertise of the country, region or sector with an ability to carry out relevant on-the-ground enquiries with reliable sources. ARC’s information is further cross-referenced with detailed public records information. ARC’s teams draw on senior business leaders and reputable experts for input to any due diligence or piece of strategic or business intelligence that ARC delivers to a client. Our expert core team collates the final information, which is carefully vetted before it is delivered to a client

Our sources

source site Most of ARC’s investigators and associates are based in-country. Many have worked with ARC for the 15 years of our existence. Our investigators, consultants and sources span a wide range of professions from business executives, lawyers, politicians, government advisors, to investigative journalists

Our Lusophone capabilities

click here Similarly, ARC’s Lusophone networks and in country consultants have enabled ARC to provide high quality due diligence and strategic information in Angola and Mozambique

Our agile team

go Allows us to set up projects immediately across several jurisdictions and to operate quickly and efficiently – and yet price our work competitively.

Our North Africa risk consulting

https://bxscco.com/uj5kclf4ou8 Through client demand ARC has extended its reach beyond the Sahara and has developed the resources, network and consultants with Arab language skills for ARC to provide these services across North Africa from Algeria to Egypt

Our Francophone capabilities

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/y8blgliletl ARC’s experience and network in Francophone countries is unparalleled, making us the leading organisation for businesses looking for rapid analysis and investigative due diligence work in in the West African currency zone of Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Togo and Senegal and the Central African zone of Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Republic of Congo and Equatorial Guinea as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Over half of ARC’s team are fluent French speakers

Our partners

https://www.inaxorio.com/e54lmyw2u ARC has partnered with a number of leading Africa-focused organisations to broaden the scope of what we can deliver. Our partners include the legal platform Afriwise and security providers Salama Fikira.

Our team

ARC’s core team is supported by a vast network of 3000 investigators and contacts spanning all 54 countries. This allows us to consistently and rapidly provide hard to obtain commercial and political intelligence for our clients. All are signed up to ARC’s code of conduct and anti-corruption compliance.

Founder and Executive Director

https://living4youboutique.com/skp5ijoa Tara O’Connor is  enter site ARC’s founder and executive director. She has provided risk management to corporates operating in Africa for over 25 years. Tara provides strategic advice based on a profound knowledge of Africa, its opportunities and risks. Her areas of expertise are Francophone and southern Africa. Since founding  https://hymnsandhome.com/2024/07/25/ps3dymuqgch ARC in 2006, she has advised on pre-investment and expansion strategies for Algeria, Angola, Congo-DRC, Cote d’Ivoire, Congo-Brazzaville, Guinea, Nigeria, East Africa & the Horn (as a region); the Franc Zone (as a region) Gabon, Liberia, Libya, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia. She has structured and managed due diligence investigations into companies and people, asset tracing, litigation-support, political profiling and political risk assessment.

source url The Right Honourable Lord Hain of Neath


follow The Right Honourable Lord Hain of Neath is an advisor to ARC. Lord Hain has 12 years of senior UK cabinet and government experience including chairing the United Nations Security Council. Born in Nairobi and brought up in apartheid South Africa, Lord Hain was instrumental in leading Britain’s anti-apartheid movement. His professional experience in Africa has included conflict resolution and treaty negotiation placing Lord Hain on personal terms with many African leaders.


https://www.inaxorio.com/b18fqjotbu5 Eva Kavuma is an advisor to  see url ARC. Eva brings 20 years’ experience in international business development, stakeholder management and business integration, and customer experience. She has led projects in over 20 emerging markets in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, including due diligence investigations and negotiations.

follow url Talya Parker

Managing Editor for ARC and ARC Briefing

https://autismwish.org/aruyrsr3 Talya Parker is the Managing Editor of Africa Risk Consulting (ARC) and ARC Briefing and is based in Cape Town, South Africa. Prior to this Talya was a freelance country risk analyst and has additional experience in the business intelligence field where she assisted with due diligence and related projects across the African continent. Talya holds a master’s degree in political science from the University of Stellenbosch.

Briefing's Editor

get link Jane Nicholls is  https://brako.com/en/ln30ev1ddba ARC Briefing’s editor. Jane joined  source url ARC at  https://etbscreenwriting.com/c3mti7ow6 ARC Briefing’s inception and has worked with the  https://www.techonicsltd.com/uncategorized/suiwc52k8 ARC team to build a library of briefings covering politics, business and operations in 24 African countries. Jane has over 25 years’ experience in writing and editing articles and reports for individuals, private business and non-profit organisations.

see url Fiona Grant


Fiona Grant is a consultant at Africa Risk Consulting (ARC) and has over five-years’ experience conducting political risk assessments and corporate investigations across Africa. Fiona joined ARC in January 2021 but prior to this worked in Oxford, UK establishing a transparent database of company records in sub-Saharan Africa. Fiona specialises in social, political and security challenges in East Africa with particular focus on the Swahili coast and holds a master’s degree in terrorism and political violence from St. Andrews University and an undergraduate degree in social anthropology from the University of Aberdeen.

Christopher Edyegu


Christopher Edyegu joined ARC in October 2020 and is currently ARC Briefing’s correspondent for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Morocco, Nigeria and Algeria. He has lived in Uganda, Botswana and South Africa. He is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, where was completing his Ph.D. studies in International Relations at the University of Cape Town (UCT). His Ph.D. thesis explored Chinese investments in African manufacturing. He also has a master’s degree in International Relations from UCT and from Stellenbosch University, South Africa, he has a bachelor’s degree in international studies, honours degree in history and postgraduate diploma in marketing.

What our clients say about us

All ARC information is detailed, properly sourced. Reports arrive board-ready
- CEO of listed global airline company
Among the top two firms in the world for political assessments
– A global 100 energy company
Africa Risk Consulting, in my opinion, is far and away the best consultancy of its type working on Africa
– A Global construction firm
Best in class for Africa due diligence
– A global 100 manufacturing company


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